Build your digital ideas WONDERS
VcodeLab is an expert wing of Vcodewonders with ample experience in developing and designing exceptional data-driven custom software solutions on a Fixed Pricing mode.
Why Vcode Lab
The best part about opting for “VcodeLab” is that you’re billed using a flat amount, regardless of the number of hours the team has worked for. This flat amount can be applied to the project as a whole, or as per every week or month of the project. Since Fixed Bid projects are duration-based, they require a start and end date.

Flat prices

Permanent scope of work

Complete transparency

Super easy to manage

No hidden costs

Popular choice for small to medium projects
The best part is that you can improvise or ask for changes as many times you want to and we won’t ask a dime extra for that. Moreover, you can check out the progress of your project at any point you like and make changes if you don’t like the way it is coming out. It’s a win-win!
What is Fixed Bid?
A fixed bid contract is viable for projects which are well-defined requirements with each module and tasks clearly outlined.
In order to begin the development we need relevant wireframe/mockups.
More importantly, the requirement spec is absolutely frozen until the development is complete.
We do a detailed study and provide estimate along with the delivery schedule with a mutually agreed fixed price for complete execution.
We charge 50% up-front payment.

What does Hiring Include?
Requirement Analysis

Before we start working, we give special attention to your requirements. Our expert team analyses the work, quotes a price & then takes it from there. Once you’re on-board, resources planning is done.
Pre-work Finalization

We like to maintain complete transparency in our work. Hence, we like to prepare a tentative timeline & breakdown the tasks into milestones. Convenient for you to know, what to expect.
Contract Signup

Once both parties are on the same page, only then we start the contract sign up process; which includes a NDA agreement as well. We believe it’s always better to keep things simple & straight.
Project Kickoff

After the contract signing, the real fun begins. We introduce you to the team working for you & the work begins right away. You’ll be amazed to see how friendly & proactive our folks are.
How does the Hiring Process Work
Our ‘Fixed Bid’ contracts have more to offer than just experienced developers.

Friendly Resources
All our resources are friendly to interact & cool with their work. In fact, don’t be surprised if they impress you like a colleague from day 1.

Technical Lead
A tech veteran who establishes a technical vision with the development team and works to turn it into reality.

UI Designing
The package also includes upto 25 hours of contribution from our expert UI designing team.

Project Management Tool
Get free usage of our own award-winning ‘Orangescrum’ to track and control all your project actions.
What we Provide
We analyse your needs & assign the best suited resources from our team.
Safe to say that we take care of your software development,
letting you focus on your core job.

Top grade developers

Complete team setup

Flexibility as per your time-zone

Pro-active consulting

Friendly support

Win-win partnership

Project Management tool

Timely completion & satisfaction
So what’s the next step?
What should you do now?